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Body Contouring: Prevailing Myths & Uncommon Facts

Body Contouring: Prevailing Myths & Uncommon Facts

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Body contouring is a term that encompasses a range of cosmetic procedures that are designed to reshape, redefine, and sculpt the body.

Body contouring is a term that encompasses a range of cosmetic procedures that are designed to reshape, redefine, and sculpt the body. These procedures can be a great option for people who are struggling to achieve their desired body shape through diet and exercise but these tireless efforts are not showing any result. This is a highly effective segment and rapidly growing with innovative techniques in the field of cosmetic surgery. This is also a fantastic alternative to regular liposuction as it helps to: -

  • Get rid of excess fat and sagging skin 
  • Tighten the skin
  • Smooth, tone & reshape the specific area

There are surgical options such as tucks, lifts, and liposuction, while the non-surgical options use cold, heat, lasers, radio frequency and other methods. You might need several sessions to see the desired results when you have chosen any non-surgical technique. On the other hand, surgical options have some risks and longer recovery but it usually provides more noticeable results. It is really important to have realistic expectations. However, there are various myths surrounding body contouring. In this article, we will explore the lesser known facts and debunk most of the myths of body contouring. 

Myth: - Body contouring brings changes only to outward appearance

Undoubtedly, people are interested in this procedure to alter their physical appearance and desire to have a perfect body shape, but the benefits are much more than this. 

Fact: - It can improve overall health

Body contouring can do more than just improve one's appearance. It can also help to improve overall health. Removing excess skin and fat can help to reduce the risk of infections, rashes, and other skin conditions. Additionally, body contouring can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health conditions. As a result patients feel better about themselves and their overall quality of life improves. 

Myth: - Body Contouring is a substitute for a healthy lifestyle 

Regardless of its effectiveness, these treatments will be useless if you consider it as a replacement for exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Fact: - It is important to follow aftercare to maintain your body shape

Once your sessions are completed, it is important to maintain your healthy diet and exercise regimen because the remaining fat cells in the treated area can swell if you gain significant weight or bring a big change to your eating habits. So, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle to increase the longevity of your results. 

Myth: - Body Contouring is a weight loss solution

Body Contouring procedures are not intended as a weight loss solution. In fact, most body contouring procedures are recommended for patients who are close to their ideal weight or BMI and have maintained a stable weight for at least six months. Patients who are significantly overweight would be better served by first losing weight through diet and exercise before considering body contouring. 

Fact: - Body contouring can help to remove excess fat and skin

One of the most common reasons that people seek out body contouring procedures is to remove the excess skin and fat that cannot be addressed through diet and exercise alone. Procedures like liposuction, tummy tucks, and arm lifts can help to remove stubborn pockets of fat and loose sagging skin, giving patients a smoother, defined and more toned appearance. 

Myth: - Body contouring is only for women 

Fact: - While it is true women are more likely than men to undergo body contouring procedures, men can also benefit from these procedures. In fact, liposuction and tummy tucks are two of the most popular cosmetic procedures among men.

Myth: - Body contouring is only for older patients

Fact: - Younger patients can also derive benefits from Body contouring 

While body contouring procedures are associated with older patients, they can be performed on patients of almost any age. In fact, many younger patients choose to undergo body contouring procedures to address issues like stubborn pockets of fat or loose skin after significant weight loss. 

Myth: - Body contouring is a one-size-fits-all solution

Fact: - Body Contouring procedures are highly customizable

 The specific techniques and approaches used will depend on each patient’s individual needs and goals. For example, some patients may benefit from a full tummy tuck, while others may only require a mini tummy tuck. A skilled plastic surgeon will work with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique concerns. 

Myth: - Body contouring is only for wealthy 

Fact: - Costs vary widely depending upon the type of procedure

Since there are a variety of different types of body contouring procedures, cost cannot be similar. Treatment’s costs, typically, depend on the size of the area being treated, the number of required sessions, and the type of results you desire. However, there are options available to make them more affordable. Some patients may be eligible for financing or payment plans; moreover, many surgeons offer discounts for patients who undergo multiple procedures at once. 

Myth: - Body contouring is suitable only for some specific body areas

Fact: - Body contouring can be combined with other procedures and also can be performed on almost any area of the body

Body contouring procedures can be performed on almost any area of the body including the abdomen, thighs, arms, back, and buttocks. Each procedure is designed to target a specific area of the body, and many patients choose to combine multiple procedures for a more comprehensive body transformation. For example, a patient may choose to combine tummy tuck with liposuction to achieve more dramatic results. 

Myth: - Body contouring is painful

Fact: - It can be said for conventional body contouring procedures that those were bound to give painful experience. However, modernized techniques have changed the scenario completely by eliminating the discomfort and painful experiences from the procedures and recovery period. For example, coolsculpting, laser and radio frequency energy treatment options offer reducing fat and tighten the targeted area with no pain, no needle, no incisions, no anesthesia as well as quite a little or no recovery period. These treatments are so effective, quick and comfortable that you will be able to go to your work routine immediately after the session. 

Myth: - Body contouring is beneficial only for physique 

Fact: - Body contouring can improve mental health 

One of the most significant benefits of body contouring procedures is the positive impact on one’s mental health. Many patients feel more confident and self-assured after the procedure and addressing the areas of the body that have been a source of insecurity. This can lead to improved relationships, career opportunities, and overall quality of life. 

Myth: - Surgeon will administer general anesthesia only 

Fact: - Body contouring can be performed under local anesthesia 

While many body contouring procedures require general anesthesia, some procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. This can be a more comfortable and convenient option for patients who are nervous about undergoing general anesthesia. 

Myth: - Any surgeon can perform Body contouring procedures

Fact: - Body contouring requires a skilled surgeon 

Body contouring procedures require a board-certified and well-experienced plastic surgeon that has undergone professional and rigorous training to develop his expertise to perform the surgeries. You must do thorough research and choose a surgeon who has a proven track record of success with body contouring procedures.

Myth: - The results of these procedures are immediate 

Fact: - Be calm and gentle for the results

The time span to witness the results will depend upon the type of treatment you have undergone. Usually, it may take three to six months before you start to see the full amazing results. Above all, your surgeon will guide you according to your health and condition. 

Myth: - Very few people undergo Body contouring procedures

Fact: - The popularity of Body contouring is increasing incessantly 

More and more people are taking advantage of body contouring procedures than in the past. It is even declared by ASPS that different types of body contouring procedures are now in the list of top five most performed procedures. The specific reason behind this is that people can achieve multiple purposes through these procedures. For example some are choosing these treatment plans for aesthetic purposes, whereas some have medical, psychological, and emotional goals. 

Myth: - Body Contouring requires a longer recovery period 

Fact: - This typically depends upon the type of treatment you have chosen and the way your body responds to the treatment and medicines. 

In case you have undergone conventional surgical body contouring procedure then you would require a significant recovery period as you may experience swelling, pain, bruising, and discomfort for some days following their procedure. It is important for patients to follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions closely to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. 

However, if you have undergone non-surgical body contouring procedures that don’t involve any incision, any opening or sutures on the skin, then you might go to your work immediately after the treatment session. During these sessions, the fat cells are targeted and killed through energy transfer or freezing techniques without any wounds. Then the dead cells are removed naturally from the body through the lymphatic system. There is no downtime at all. 

Myth: - Body contouring procedures prevent future weight gain

Fact: - These procedures involve removing stubborn fat and sagging skin from the specific area of the body. So, the focus remains on reshaping and redefining the body. Despite the removal of fat cells, you cannot rest assured that you will not gain weight in the future. In fact, if you are not concisions enough about your lifestyle, eating habits, and consume high-calorie products then the remaining fat cells in the body will expand in size and your weight will increase. Therefore, it is imperative that you follow a healthy eating and exercise regime so that you can increase the longevity of your results. 

Myth: - Body contouring results are temporary 

Fact: - This is one of the most suppressing misconceptions. Whereas, the truth is, your results can not disappear immediately or as it is believed. Undoubtedly, the longevity of patient’s results will depend upon the lifestyle and eating habits of the patients. Moreover, the results can be permanent or can last for a longer period if patients make it a habit to exercise and to consume a well-balanced diet following the surgery. Even if someone has gained weight after the surgery, then it is unlikely that you will get fat on the treated area only as one will gain weight evenly throughout their body. 

Myth: - Non-surgical body contouring is not effective

Fact: - You must keep in mind that the results cannot be seen right after the first session. Your results will typically depend upon how the technique is performed by your surgeon and how many sessions are required to notice the results. Although there are many advanced and modernized techniques available, your surgeon can remove a modest amount of unwanted fat in certain areas. Above all, diet and exercise are required to achieve optimal results when you are undergoing non-invasive treatment sessions. 

Myth: - There are too many risks involved in the body contouring procedures 

Fact: - While surgical treatments carry some risks and complications related to anesthesia or incisions, non-surgical procedures have minimal risks involved. The potential risks and complications would be infection, swelling, pain, bruising, changes in skin sensation, and discoloration. All these can be avoided or will be subsided within a little period following the surgery if you adhere to your surgeon’s instructions. Moreover, your surgeon will certainly evaluate your health and your medical history before proceeding further with your treatment to ensure your candidacy. 

Myth: - Fractional laser skin resurfacing tightens the skin

Fact: - Fractional laser skin resurfacing is typically used to address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, sun damage, discoloration, acne scars, and age spots. The laser technique works by stimulating the collagen production that boosts skin firmness and elasticity. However, the skin tightening is not an obvious benefit. Even if some achieve it, the extent of skin tightening would vary depending upon several factors like an individual's age, skin type, and the severity of their skin concerns. 


Body contouring is a customizable and effective way to reshape and sculpt the body. It can have significant physical and mental health benefits, but patients must understand that it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. They must separate fact from myths when considering these procedures. We believe this article is helpful in this regard. By choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon and understanding the benefits and limitations of body contouring, patients can achieve their desired body shape and improve their overall health and well-being.