Blog / Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Procedure)

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Procedure)

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Procedure)

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An Arm Lift procedure is medically termed Brachioplasty. This cosmetic surgery is performed to achieve aesthetic purposes as it helps to improve the appearance of the upper arm area.

An Arm Lift procedure is medically termed Brachioplasty. This cosmetic surgery is performed to achieve aesthetic purposes as it helps to improve the appearance of the upper arm area. Many people are bothered by loose and sagging skin around their armpit. The reason behind this could be the genetic conditions, aging process or significant weight loss. Undoubtedly exercises and a balanced diet can help you to lose kilos of weight and strengthen your muscle tissues; however it cannot make your loose skin bounce back because you have already lost the skin elasticity. Here, you can derive benefits from cosmetic surgery where a skilled and experienced surgeon will remove the excess fat and skin. After this he will reposition the remaining skin on new contours so that you can have a more toned and more defined look of your upper arm. Arm Lift procedure will eventually improve your body image by 

  • Removing fat pockets and excess skin
  • Tightening supportive tissues 
  • Smoothing over remaining skin
  • Improving arm contours

The Ideal Candidate for the Surgery

It is extremely important to consult with a surgeon who can evaluate your condition in order to qualify your candidacy for the procedure. There are certain conditions which make you a right candidate like you must be an adult who:- 

  • Is bothered by upper arm skin laxity.
  • has excess fat and sagging skin from the body area of armpit to elbow
  • Is having a stable weight: typically not overweight or underweight. Also, when you are not planning to lose or gain weight in the long run. 
  • Must be a non-smoker and non-alcoholic 
  • Physically and mentally fit, must not have any chronic medical condition
  • Must have realistic goals and positive outlook 

Most importantly, you should be ready to accept an arm lift scar; although it will be hidden as it will run through the length of the upper arm back area.

How it is performed: Procedure & Techniques

First of all, your surgeon will give a crystal clear picture about what happens before, during and after the procedure. He will ensure your safety and comfort simultaneously will satisfy all your queries so that you can have full confidence in him and his skills. He will help you to have the most realistic expectations from the surgery. He, then, will develop a surgical plan by choosing the most appropriate technique depending upon your condition and goals.

He may use any technique out of 

  • Limited Arm Lift
  • Short Scar Arm Lift
  • Extended Arm Lift
  • L-arm Lift 

The difference lies among these techniques in the place and shape of the incision line which will typically depend upon the degree and severity of loose skin and tissues.

He may also combine any technique with liposuction if needed. In some cases, he may decide to perform only liposuction, mostly when the patient needs a very small amount of fat removal. 

One of the biggest concerns is the longevity of the results you achieved after the surgery. You should keep in mind that the procedure will not stop the sagging if you gain or lose a significant amount of weight. Also, in case, if you have any hereditary issue of skin laxity. 

So, what you can do is to increase the timeline of your results: - You must maintain a healthy weight after the procedure by adopting an active lifestyle. 

Therefore, your surgeon must be skillful and experienced to develop an individualized surgical plan for you.  You must choose a well-educated, board-certified and well-experienced surgeon who has developed a profound skill-set to perform these arm lift procedure techniques. Your choice will drastically impact the way you look after your surgery. He must have the latest technological and medical advancements to ensure the most effective and innovative treatment.  

In order to ensure that you are in the right hands, you can get in touch with our surgeons via email or whats app message. Rest assured that our surgeons are the top best surgeons of the country.