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Surprising Facts Of Brow Lift

Surprising Facts Of Brow Lift

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With the aging process, one of the very first body parts that show effects is the forehead. Most of the people are troubled by sagging skin and wrinkles on the brow and forehead.

With the aging process, one of the very first body parts that show effects is the forehead. Most of the people are troubled by sagging skin and wrinkles on the brow and forehead. Since droopy eyebrows and disturbing misalignment make people look aged and tired, they often try the available options to restore their younger and active look. The brow lift is also called the forehead lift procedure which lifts and tightens the skin on the forehead. This procedure does not only raise the brows, but also it is designed to rejuvenate the area of eyebrows and forehead. Moreover, it addresses all the concerns of sagging skin of the forehead area produced by age, gravity, and even heredity. Therefore, brow lift has become the sixth most popular facial cosmetic surgery. Here are some more surprising brow lift procedure facts. 

  • It cannot only address cosmetic concerns but also medical issues.  

People, who are bothered by sagging skin around the eyes, may also suffer with a vision issue as the skin droops into their eyes. Over time, their eyesight may get blurred or hindered due to which they find it difficult to even perform their daily routine work comfortably. Brow lift surgery is advantageous in this situation as well. As a result of this surgery, people can enjoy the benefits of reduced vision problems, increased peripheral vision and a better appearance. Thus you get high self-esteem also. 

  • Much more than just lifting the brows

One of the most amazing benefits is you can get rid of frown lines of the forehead with the help of this procedure. These are the annoying vertical wrinkles on the forehead. A skilled surgeon will lift or adjust the shape of your brows efficiently as well as he will remove the blemishes and tighten the skin around the upper side of your face which will eventually eliminate your brow furrows and you will experience a more youthful look afterwards. 

  • Shocked or Surprised look is temporary 

During initial days following the surgery, you may experience swelling around the eyes and your skin is tightened which may take a few days to settle and have a natural position. You might have a startled or surprised look as an immediate result. However, it is a temporary look and experienced by some only. Moreover, it will subside when swelling and stiffness get down. Therefore, you don’t need to be afraid that you may get a permanently shocked look.

  • Brow lift does not necessarily lift the brows

Brow lift is specifically performed to eliminate the aging signs and to remove the sagging skin on the eye and forehead area. Raising or lowering the brow’s shape and position is an option that can be opted. It is completely dependent upon you and your surgeon. If you are not satisfied with the natural shape and position of your brows you can discuss it with your surgeon during consultation. He will evaluate your position to address your concerns and develop the individualized surgical plan with which you will get your desired results in the best possible way. 

Therefore, some brow lift surgeries might consist of the actual brow lifting and some might not change the shape and position of the brows. 

  • It can be performed under local anesthesia

It is not necessary that your surgeon administer the general anesthesia while performing brow lift surgery. He might use a sedative or local anesthesia which means you will not be fully unconscious during the surgery. Moreover, some people prefer local anesthesia as it reduces the risk of complications and the recovery period also accelerates. 

  • Quick surgery with Smooth and quick recovery period

This procedure usually takes an hour or even less than an hour, especially when endoscopic technique is used. Unlike other surgeries, you will not have to bear extreme pain after the surgery because it will be considerably minimal. You may experience some bruising and swelling due to which you might also feel tightness in the skin. These conditions will subside within a week and your surgeon will remove your stitches. You will be allowed to resume your daily activities afterwards. With your surgeon’s guidance you will be able to perform all the strenuous activities as well just after 2 weeks of the surgery. 

  • Unnoticeable scars & long lasting results

During the surgery, incisions will be made with intensive care resulting in insightful scars. It will be hidden in the hairline. Moreover, these will be too small to see with a naked eye. Therefore, you don’t have to be bothered about the visibility of scars. 

You will achieve long lasting wonderful results after the surgery. Undoubtedly, you will have aging effects after the procedure as well as it cannot be stopped. But these will not be as deep or visible as it can be without the surgery.

  • Endoscopic Brow lift

This is an advanced technique of brow lift procedure. Surgeons use a specific scope (camera like device) while performing the surgery which allows the surgeon to see the underlying muscles and tissues. This enables them to quickly and easily trim the excess tissues and skin before suturing the small incisions. Moreover, this surgery involves only three incisions, each one is 1.5 cm in size. They are perfectly hidden in the hair line. As a result, patients heal at a faster pace with less swelling and unnoticeable scars.

  • It can be combined with other facial surgeries

Your surgeon may recommend you to combine the brow lift with blepharoplasty or face lift. The reason behind this could be to achieve the overall younger look and active appearance. By combining the facial procedures, you can easily get rid of aging signs and sagging skin of your entire face. You can also ask for such possibilities from your surgeon during consultation.

  • Your insurance may cover the cost

Health insurances usually don’t cover cosmetic surgeries having aesthetic purposes. However, if you are undergoing brow lift because it is affecting your vision and your surgeon validates your medical purposes then it might get covered. Therefore, you must contact your agent or the company to confirm the same. 

  • Psychological impact of the surgery

Brow lift procedure can benefit you with improved vision and a younger look which will result in a changed personality. With its amazing results, your confidence level and self-esteem will be boosted. You will feel more comfortable in the social groups and will participate more actively.


Brow lift is a dynamic, safe and effective procedure that offers miraculous results if you have realistic goals and also if you have chosen a board-certified, well-experienced surgeon.  It will help you get a rejuvenated look and shed years off from your face with the most natural-looking results.