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Unveiling the Fascinating Facts of Buccal Fat Removal

Unveiling the Fascinating Facts of Buccal Fat Removal

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In the realm of cosmetic surgery, buccal fat removal has emerged as a popular procedure that aims to sculpt the face by reducing the prominence of the cheeks.

In the realm of cosmetic surgery, buccal fat removal has emerged as a popular procedure that aims to sculpt the face by reducing the prominence of the cheeks. This surgical technique involves the removal of buccal fat pads, located in the lower part of the cheeks. People may have their own individual reasons to undergo this procedure such as:- 

  • If they have chubby or puffy cheeks or have a fat baby face
  • If they desire to have prominent cheek bone
  • If they have undergone jaw surgery to reduce chin or jaw

The primary goal of this procedure is to enhance and define the aesthetic appearance of the facial profile. However, this procedure is not suitable for individuals who have naturally thin cheeks and narrow faces as the potential outcomes may result in a hollowed, tired appearance, which can make you appear older than your true age.

While it has gained attention in recent years, many intriguing aspects of this procedure remain unknown to the general public. In this article, we delve into the fascinating facts surrounding buccal fat removal, shedding light on its benefits, techniques, and considerations.

1. Origins and Evolution

Buccal fat removal, also known as cheek reduction surgery, has been practiced for several decades. Its origins can be traced back to the late 1970s when plastic surgeons first began exploring techniques to enhance facial aesthetics. Over time, the procedure has evolved, leading to improved surgical approaches and refined outcomes.

2. Suitable Candidate

Buccal fat removal is typically recommended for individuals with naturally round or overly full cheeks, which may give the face a chubby or less-defined appearance. However, it is crucial to note that not everyone is an ideal candidate for this procedure. Surgeons carefully evaluate the patient's facial structure, skin elasticity, and overall health to determine candidacy.

3. Surgical Procedure

The surgery involves making small incisions inside the mouth, through which the surgeon accesses the buccal fat pads. The pads are gently teased out or partially excised to achieve the desired facial contour. The incisions are then closed with dissolvable sutures. The entire procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

4. The definitive solution

This surgery is the sole method to effectively eliminate buccal fat. Unlike diet and exercise, which can help reduce overall body fat, specifically targeting buccal fat through these lifestyle changes is not possible. While maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly can contribute to overall weight loss, they cannot specifically address or target fat deposits in the cheeks. Therefore, for individuals seeking to specifically remove buccal fat and achieve a more sculpted facial appearance, cheek reduction surgery remains the only viable option.

5. Minimal Scarring

One of the advantages of buccal fat removal is the absence of visible scarring. As the incisions are made inside the mouth, there are no external marks left behind. This aspect appeals to many patients who prefer discreet surgical interventions.

6. Customized Results

An experienced surgeon can tailor the procedure to achieve personalized results. The amount of buccal fat removed depends on the patient's desired outcome and facial structure. The goal is to create a harmonious balance between the cheekbones, jawline, and other facial features, ultimately enhancing the patient's overall facial aesthetics.

7. Natural Aging Process

Buccal fat removal should be approached with caution, as the face naturally loses fat volume with age. The removal of buccal fat pads may result in a more sculpted appearance in younger individuals, but it could potentially lead to a gaunt or hollow look as they age. Surgeons must carefully consider the long-term effects and counsel patients accordingly.

8. Recovery and Downtime

The recovery period after buccal fat removal is relatively short compared to other facial surgeries. Patients may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses. Most individuals can return to their normal activities within a week or two, although strenuous exercises and certain dietary restrictions may be advised during the initial healing phase. Patients are advised to sleep in an elevated position after the surgery until they heal completely. One may take 2 to 4 months to achieve the final results. 

9. Permanent Results

Buccal fat removal offers permanent results, as the buccal fat pads do not regenerate once removed. However, it is crucial to note that the natural aging process and other factors can still influence the overall appearance of the face over time.

10. Combination Procedures

Buccal fat removal can be performed as a standalone procedure, but it is often combined with other facial surgeries to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Common complementary procedures include facelifts, chin augmentations, or rhinoplasty, all of which can enhance facial harmony and create a more balanced aesthetic result. Owing to the combination procedure, a patient can derive several benefits like slim cheeks as well as removal of facial aging signs, combined recovery time, and incisions will be made only once. 

11. Psychological Impact

While buccal fat removal primarily aims to enhance physical appearance, it can also have a positive psychological impact on individuals who are self-conscious about their cheeks. Many patients report increased self-confidence and improved body image after the procedure, as they feel more comfortable and satisfied with their facial contour.

12. Risks and Considerations

As with any surgical procedure, buccal fat removal carries certain risks and considerations. Complications can include infection, bleeding, asymmetry, nerve damage, or unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes. It is vital for patients to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in facial procedures to minimize these risks.

13. Preoperative Evaluation and Consultation

Before undergoing buccal fat removal, patients undergo a thorough preoperative evaluation and consultation with their surgeon. This process includes discussing the patient's goals, examining their facial structure, assessing their overall health, and reviewing the potential risks and benefits. Clear communication and realistic expectations are essential for a successful outcome.

14. Non-Surgical Alternatives

For individuals seeking facial contouring without undergoing surgery, there are non-surgical alternatives available. These options include injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid or fat grafting, which can add volume to targeted areas and create a more sculpted appearance. Non-surgical alternatives may be suitable for those who desire temporary results or wish to explore less invasive options.

15. Facial contour over time 

The beauty of cheek reduction surgery lies in the fact that it can give you a more contoured and slimmer appearance. After the surgery, your cheeks gradually adjust to their new shape, and you will notice that they look less chubby. It's important to keep in mind that initially, the results may be somewhat hidden due to swelling, which can take several months to fully subside. Since each person's body is unique, the timeline for experiencing the final results can vary. 

16. Ethical Considerations

As with any cosmetic procedure, ethical considerations come into play. Surgeons must prioritize patient safety, informed consent, and realistic expectations. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to educate patients about the potential risks and limitations of buccal fat removal and ensure that the decision to undergo surgery is well-informed and based on genuine personal desires rather than societal pressures.


Buccal fat removal is a fascinating cosmetic procedure that offers individuals the opportunity to achieve a more defined and sculpted facial contour. From its historical evolution to its surgical techniques, recovery process, and potential risks, understanding the intriguing facts surrounding this procedure is essential for anyone considering buccal fat removal. It's best to consult with a plastic surgeon that can provide more information tailored to your specific needs, taking into account your individual circumstances and physical characteristics. Reaching out to the finest surgeons in the country is as easy as sending an email or a WhatsApp message via our website.