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Surprising Facts of Rhinoplasty

Surprising Facts of Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nose or improving its function.

Surprising Facts of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nose or improving its function. Nose surgery enhances facial harmony and boosts self-confidence as the nose is the prominent feature of the face. It's a popular procedure, with thousands of people undergoing it every year to achieve the look they desire. However, there are many facts about rhinoplasty that must be considered well before undergoing the surgery because it will permanently change your face appearance.

 A skillful surgeon can bring the following cosmetic and medical changes as per your need and goals:  

Cosmetic Changes

  • Narrow the nose bridge
  • Reshape the nose tip
  • Restore the height of a flattened area
  • Narrow or Widen the nostrils
  • Straighten the crooked nose
  • Change the angle between the upper lip and nose

Medical Changes

  • Deviated Septum
  • Recover the abnormality due to any sort of injury or trauma
  • Repair the broken nose or any damage 
  • Improve the nasal inflammation caused by allergies and burns
  • Improve any birth defects 
  • Help in nasal masses or polyps


While many people are familiar with the basics of the procedure, there are several surprising facts about nose surgery that many are not aware of. In this article, we will explore some of these lesser-known facts.


1. Rhinoplasty is cosmetic as well as functional

Nose surgery is considered as a cosmetic surgery as it has the specific aesthetic goal of improving the appearance of the nose by changing its shape, size, and length. However, a surgeon can develop a treatment plan to improve the function of the nose such as breathing problems due to deviated septum, structural problems, blockages, accidental effects and so on. 

2. It can be used to correct birth defects

Nose surgery can be used to correct a range of birth defects that affect the nose, such as cleft lip and palate. These defects can affect not only the appearance of the nose but also its function, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. Nose surgery can help improve both the appearance and function of the nose in such cases.

3. It can improve sleep quality

In addition to improving the appearance of the nose, nose surgery can also improve sleep quality in some cases. A deviated septum or other nasal obstruction can make it difficult to breathe at night, leading to snoring and other sleep disturbances. Nose surgery can help correct these issues, improving sleep quality and overall health.

4. It can affect the sense of smell

Nose surgery can sometimes affect the sense of smell temporarily or permanently. This is because the sense of smell is closely linked to the nasal anatomy, and any changes to the nasal structure can affect how smells are perceived. While this is rare, patients should be aware of the potential risks and discuss them with their surgeon before the surgery.

5. It can improve breathing

While most people think of rhinoplasty as a purely cosmetic procedure, it can also be used to improve breathing. A deviated septum, a common condition where the wall between the nostrils is crooked, can be corrected through rhinoplasty. This can improve airflow, reduce snoring, and alleviate sleep apnea.

6. It's not a one-size-fits-all procedure

Every person's nose is unique, and as such, every rhinoplasty procedure is unique. The surgeon must consider factors such as the patient's facial structure, skin thickness, and nasal anatomy when planning the surgery. Therefore, the procedure is tailored to the individual, his needs, goals, and the results will vary from person to person.

7. Different techniques can be performed

An experienced surgeon is able to evaluate your condition and decide to perform the most appropriate technique. He may choose to perform Close Rhinoplasty or Open rhinoplasty. Both these methods have different incision sites and different recovery periods. Your surgeon must be aware of all the pros and cons of these techniques then only he will choose the best for you. 

8. Implants can also be used while rhinoplasty 

When patients are looking for a more prominent nose shape then implants are used and the procedure is called nose augmentation. Cosmetic surgeons can use grafts, skin, or cartilage from other areas of the body so that it does not get any infection. 

9. The recovery period can be longer than expected

While most people can return to their work and daily activities within a week or two after nose surgery, the full recovery period can be longer than expected. It can take up to a year for the swelling to fully subside and for the final results of the surgery to be visible. During this time, patients may experience discomfort, and they should avoid strenuous activities that can impact the healing process. They must follow the post-operative care instructions provided by their surgeon. Additionally, they may need to wear a splint on their nose for a week or two following the surgery.

10. Revision surgery may be necessary

In some cases, the results of a rhinoplasty may not be as expected, and a revision surgery may be necessary. This is more common when the surgery is performed by an inexperienced surgeon. Patients should choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty to minimize the chances of a revision surgery.

11. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an option

For those who are not ready for surgery, non-surgical rhinoplasty is an option. This procedure involves the use of injectable fillers to reshape the nose without the need for surgery. However, the results are temporary and may last for six to twelve months.

12. Smoking can impact the results

Smoking can affect the body's ability to heal after surgery, and it can impact the results of a rhinoplasty. Smoking can cause the skin to age faster, and it can increase the risk of infection and other complications. Patients are advised to quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery and for several weeks after to ensure optimal healing.

13. The cost can vary widely

The cost of rhinoplasty can vary widely, depending on the surgeon's experience, the geographic location, and the complexity of the procedure. It's important to choose a surgeon who is experienced and reputable, even if it means paying more for the surgery.

14. It's one of the most complex cosmetic surgeries

Nose surgery is considered one of the most complex cosmetic surgeries, requiring a high degree of skill and precision. The nose is a complex structure with a delicate balance of bone, cartilage, soft tissue and its 3D shape. During the surgery, only a skilled and experienced surgeon will be able to make changes with minute details. A successful nose surgery requires a deep understanding of the anatomy of the nose, as well as the patient's facial features.

15. Minimal scarring 

Rhinoplasty, whether conducted via a closed or open approach, typically results in minimal scarring. With closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nose, which makes any scarring invisible. On the other hand, open rhinoplasty involves making small incisions at the base of the nose, resulting in minor scars that are barely noticeable after they have fully healed. In either case, scarring is not a major concern and should not deter individuals from undergoing the procedure.

16.Completely different for both the genders

Rhinoplasty  has to be completely different for men and women because both have distinct features, though the technique could be the same. Since nose anatomy, the angle and the slope of the men's nose cannot be similar to the women’s nose, the results will be unique. Therefore, a surgeon’s facial cosmetic skill and aesthetic sense has to be fully developed so that you can achieve the best results of the surgery. 

17.Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure

Out of all the available cosmetic procedures, it is one of the most popular and commonly performed surgeries. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics, 240,000 nose surgeries were performed in 2012. It is increasing every year. With the innovative, safe and effective techniques, more and more people are deriving the benefits it can offer and they are achieving dramatic and highly satisfactory results through nose surgery. 


In conclusion, nose surgery is a complex and versatile surgical procedure that can be used for both cosmetic and functional purposes. It can enhance the appearance of the nose and improve its function as well. While many people are familiar with the basics of the procedure, there are several lesser-known facts that patients should be aware of before undergoing the surgery. Patients should choose a board-certified surgeon with extensive experience in nose surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.