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Surprising health benefits of abdominoplasty

Surprising health benefits of abdominoplasty

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A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is designed to remove loose skin and excess fat from the abdomen and tighten the abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is designed to remove loose skin and excess fat from the abdomen and tighten the abdominal muscles. Over the years, this procedure has gained surprising popularity causing its innumerable benefits. The people who usually undergo this procedure are the females, who desire to get back their pre-pregnancy body shape, people who have lost significant weight but struggling with sagging skin and the people who lost their skin elasticity due to age, heredity and weight loss. 

 While most people are aware that the primary goal of a tummy tuck is aesthetic as it improves the appearance of the midsection and achieves a flat and toned tummy appearance, there are several medical benefits associated with the procedure. In this article, let’s explore some surprising health benefits of tummy tuck. 

1. Improves The Abdominal Tone

A tummy tuck improves the tone and shape of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. This leads to improved overall abdominal health and function. 

2. Improves The Posture And Strengthen The Core

A tummy tuck can improve the posture as it tightens the muscles in and around the abdomen which is necessary for strengthening the core that further helps to keep the back straight and supports the spine. This improved condition benefits to alleviate many discomforts associated with poor posture such as it helps to have better balance, flexibility and stability. It reduces the stress on your ligaments and helps to keep the joints and bones properly aligned. Hence, people feel more active to participate in different physical activities and sports which they used to avoid earlier. 

3. Decreases Back Pain 

As a result of this procedure, one can get relieved from some forms of back pain. After delivering the baby or babies and significant weight loss, usually the abdominal muscles become weaker or get pulled apart due to which anyone can experience back pain. However, during the tummy tuck procedure, weakened and separated abdominal muscles are tightened and restored which provides necessary support to the spine and alleviates the back pain. 

4. Reduces Urinary Incontinence 

A tummy tuck can help to reduce urinary incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. During pregnancy and after childbirth, muscles surrounding the bladder are stretched and weakened due to which bladder control condition happens causing uncontrollable and involuntary urine leakage during any sudden or forceful action such as sneezing, laughing, coughing, and exercising. This condition causes emotional stress and has a negative impact on the overall lifestyle of the sufferers. However, a rectus repair as part of a tummy tuck procedure tightens muscles surrounding your pelvic wall and bladder, helping to prevent leakage.

5. Relief from Ventral Hernias 

A ventral hernia is a condition in which the abdominal muscles weaken and allow the intestines to push through the abdominal wall and create a type of sack. There could be various reasons behind this condition like massive weight loss, an appendectomy, or a cesarean section. A tummy tuck can help to repair this condition by strengthening the abdominal muscles resulting in reducing pressure on the abdominal wall and thereby reduces the risk of future hernias. 

6. Improves Mental Health

A tummy tuck can also have a positive impact on mental health by improving self-esteem and body image. Many patients report feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance following a tummy tuck, which can improve overall mental well-being. 

7. Helps To Start The Weight Loss Journey 

While a tummy tuck is not a weight loss method, it can help to jump-start weight loss by removing excess skin and fat that may be resistant to diet and exercise. This can provide motivation for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve their weight loss goals. Moreover, their increased stamina makes it easy to do even rigorous activities and also their enhanced confidence helps them to enjoy the physical activities with new enthusiasm. 

8. Resolves The Issues Of Excess Skin

One of the benefits of tummy tuck is the healthier skin. Since a tummy tuck removes droopy excess skin, it eliminates all the complications of loose skin such as loose sagging skin can easily be infected and have rashes because the folds of skin are hard to clean.  Moreover, sagging skin around the abdomen can even hinder the mobility and ability to perform various tasks quickly. However, a tummy tuck cannot only make it easy to live an active life, but also provide a safeguard from various skin infections.

9. Other considerable benefits of a tummy tuck

With the tummy tuck procedure, you will have physical, aesthetic, medical, social, emotional, and psychological benefits. You will certainly have a tighter, more toned stomach that you can flaunt, your confidence level will be increased, and you will be able to choose and wear the clothes that you used to avoid. This new improved version of yourself will also help you to socialize more and enjoy a better quality of life.

10. Is a tummy tuck right for you? 

Make it certain that you consult a surgeon who is well-qualified, board-certified, well-experienced whose aesthetic sense is highly developed. He is the only one who can give you precise guidance in this regard. He must be able to develop an individualized treatment plan for you after evaluating your current condition, medical history and expectations. His approach should be in the direction of achieving the most natural and safe results. 

You can easily get in touch with one such surgeon by sending an email or a whatsapp message through our website


In conclusion, a tummy tuck can provide several medical benefits in addition to cosmetic benefits. By improving posture, reducing urinary incontinence, providing relief from ventral hernias, improving abdominal tone, and improving mental health, a tummy tuck can help to improve overall health and well-being.