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Lip augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

Lip augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

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Nowadays, people are greatly concerned with the way they look and are completely prepared to undergo different cosmetic surgeries to achieve their best desired look.

Nowadays, people are greatly concerned with the way they look and are completely prepared to undergo different cosmetic surgeries to achieve their best desired look. Everyone wants to have well-proportioned, youthful and attractive facial features. Lips are said to be the most specific feature of the face. People desire to have the most attractive shape of lips which is called cupid bow lip. This shape is more or less like the heart means it will have a curve in the center of the upper lip.

 There are many people who desire to change their lips shape due to several reasons:

  • Extremely thin lips
  • Aging effects on the lips
  • Gums are visible while talking and smiling
  • Asymmetrical lips 
  • Imbalanced with other facial features

A board certified and well-experienced surgeon who has developed remarkable aesthetic skills to perform lip augmentation can help you resolve all these issues. Lip augmentation is also known as lip enhancement. You can have pouty, youthful, fuller and plumper lips with this procedure.

 Your surgeon can tailor the process depending upon your needs and goals as it is a customized procedure. The deciding factor, while choosing the most appropriate technique, will be your desire to have permanent results or temporary results. 

Here is the detail of different procedures of lip augmentation:-

Lip fillers

After assessing and analyzing your lip shape, symmetry with other facial features and your physical health, your surgeon will perform the surgery. In the procedure, first of all your surgeon will apply a topical anesthetic to your lips so that you don’t feel any discomfort during the process. Your lips will be numb for almost 20 to 30 minutes. Then, he will inject the dermal filler in all the lips area or in the different areas of the lips which will make your lips fuller and plumper. It will increase the volume of your lips. The fillers consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance of the body. The thin needle used by the surgeon will go only 2.5mm into the skin. Your surgeon can choose one of many different brands available for fillers like 

  • Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Silk
  • Juvederm :- Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Juvederm Volbella XC
  • Belotero Balance
  • HylaForm
  • Elevess
  • Prevelle Silk
  • Perlane
  • Voluma

These hyaluronic acid fillers are the same and have the same impacts and results.

Lip filler augmentation procedure will take 20 to 30 minutes only and you will be able to go home on the same day. You may experience swelling, bruising and pain which will definitely fade away within 2 to 3 days. Your surgeon will advise you with some guidelines to follow like 

  • Don’t brush your teeth for two days
  • Don’t touch your lips or don’t kiss
  • Don’t drink anything with straw
  • Refrain from using lipstick or any balm at least for 2 days

It will provide you temporary results which will last for 8 to 10 months. It can work on the shape, structure and volume of your lips.

The cost of this procedure ranges from $600 to $800.

Fat transfer

In this procedure, your surgeon will extract fat from different areas of your body such as belly or thighs and then after filtering the fat, he will inject this into your lips to get a youthful and plumper look. This procedure will be like liposuction and is one kind of autologous lip augmentation. It will take almost an hour to 1.5 hours. You will be able to go home on the same day. You can have multiple sessions of this procedure to get your results as you expect. The time span of your result will be 4 to 5 years. Its cost ranges from $3000 to $6000.

Tissue grafting 

In this procedure, a piece of your skin can be used for adding volume to your lips. This is also one kind of autologous lip augmentation. The surgeon will remove the skin from your lower abdomen or he can use the skin that is removed during facelift. The top layer of the skin is removed and then the left piece of the skin, which is a strip of dermis, is rolled like a cigar. At last this rolled strip is inserted into your lips. This process will be performed under local anesthesia to prevent all the discomfort and pain of the surgery. The whole process will take 60 to 90 minutes and you will go home on the same day. Its result will last for more than five years and its cost ranges from $3000 to $6000.

Lip lift 

This procedure works amazingly for the people who desire to add height to their lips. This means it will shorten the space between nose and upper lip top which is called philtrum. This process is not for everyone. Your surgeon will decide your candidacy depending upon your age, health and your existing shape and size of the lips.  He will also guide you to stop consuming alcohol and nicotine before the surgery and avoid taking any blood-thinners. 

During the procedure, your surgeon will give you local anesthesia to avoid any pain, not the general one. Then, he will make the incisions and remove a required strip of the skin. After this, he will lift the upper lip and close the incision.

Depending upon the incisions area and numbers, there are different types and techniques of lip lifts. Other than this all the steps would be more or less similar.

  • Gullwing Lip Lift (Direct Lip lift):- This technique typically creates a more defined lip border and enhances the pink area of the lip. Surgeon will make an incision on the upper lip area and a thin strip of skin is removed. This will leave a scar on the upper lip’s border area which can be covered with makeup easily. 


  • Subnasal Bullhorn Lift: - This kind of lip lift is the most common procedure. It is named after the shape of incisions made. While using this technique your surgeon will make the incision along the base of the nose that extends from outer right nostril to outer left. The skin below the nostril is removed. Then all areas of the upper lip like center, right, left will be pulled up to give an elevated look to the lip and the distance between nose and upper lip is decreased. The scar will be least visible as incisions are hidden in natural shape and shadowed crease of the nose. 


  • Central Lip Lift: - A single incision will be made at the lower nose. It does not lift the sides of the lip as Subnasal bullhorn lifts. Otherwise, it has the same effects.


  • Italian Lip Lift: - In this technique, your surgeon will make two incisions below each nostril. This only allows for a subtle lift. The Italian Lift may, however, create more pronounced philtrum columns. These are the vertical raised lines which frame the upper lip’s central dip. The scars will be hidden in the natural shape and curves.


  • Corner Lip Lift: - During this process, your surgeon will make two incisions on the top both outer corners of the mouth to remove the skin. It is also called grin lift as it gives a smiley appearance to the face. This type of lip lift is used for those with sagging lip corners who are concerned their expression looks constantly sad or serious. The corner lift technique leaves small scars outside the vermillion at each corner of the mouth, which can be hidden with makeup.


You may experience some swelling and tightness after the procedure. It will go away within a week or two. You will be having dissolvable stitches. After the period of six months, you will be able to enjoy the complete result. Make sure to adhere to the post-operative instruction to avoid any sort of infection or any other complication. Your surgeon will advise you to do the following things:- 

  • Rest for at least one day.
  • Use a gentle brush that too after two days
  • Keep your lips moisturized
  • Avoid all the strenuous activities
  • Strict no to smoking and alcohol for a month
  • Avoid salty $ hot food for some days
  • Take soft food that requires less chewing


The lips lift procedure cost ranges from $3000 to $7000. It will depend upon the technique your surgeon has chosen to perform on you. 

Lip Implants

The most permanent solution to make your lips fuller and youthful is to use lip implants. The implants are surgically inserted into the lips to achieve the desired look. A surgeon can use two types of implants: - Silicone and Polytetrafluoroethylene.  Though both these types are safe, the latter one is softer and is more responsive to the body tissues. You will feel it is more natural than the silicone implants.

Your surgeon will guide you to get prepared for the surgery after analyzing your health, size and shape of your lips, the best suitable size and shape of implants and the expected results. He will instruct you to stop taking blood-thinners, nicotine and alcohol.

Then he will perform the surgery in following steps :-

Step1:- The surgeon will numb your lips by using local anesthesia.

Step2:- He will make a tiny incision in each corner of the mouth.

Step3:- Then, he will create a pocket (tunnel) by inserting a tool (curved alligator clamp) from one incision to another.

Step 4:- After creating the pocket, the clamp will open and then the implant will be inserted.

Step 5:- Lastly, the clamp is removed and the implant is positioned and placed in the pocket safely and accurately.  The surgeon will close the incisions with small one or two absorbable sutures.

The lip implantation procedure is done in approximately 30 minutes. Patients will be able to go home on the same day.

Recovery & Result

The down time will be the period of 2 to 4 days. Your surgeon will recommend you to avoid some activities for at least 15 days such as opening your mouth too wide and pressing your lips. Basically, all the activities are suggested to avoid stress on the lips. After two weeks, the implants will hold the place properly. The doctor will advise you to use ice packs to reduce swelling and redness. He may prescribe some pain-relievers as well. The scars will be concealed in the natural shape of the mouth. This process will give you long term results.


There are rare chances that the implant is moved or shifted from the place it was positioned during the process. But in case this happens then, you have to undergo another surgery to repair the implant.

If you are unhappy with the result, then you can ask your surgeon to just remove the implants and after some time you will get your natural shape back.


Its average cost ranges from $2000 to $5000.

Choosing a surgeon

While planning to undergo lip augmentation procedure, your initial step should be to choose a surgeon who is board-certified first of all. This will ensure that he has authentic knowledge and has undergone a rigorous training program. He must have experience in performing the lip augmentation techniques only then he will be able to suggest to you which type and technique is the best for you. He must have developed the required skill-set. You can ask for his previous patients before and after photos. He must be able to handle the complications raised whether during the surgery or during the recovery period.

Reasons why lip augmentation surgery is getting popular day by day

According to ASPS annual report, 2.6 million people have taken lip fillers and this rate is rising incessantly. There are several reasons behind its popularity like technical innovations, safety, longevity and minimum to zero risks involved. A person can go for surgical or non-surgical treatment that will have temporary or permanent results. This procedure can 

  • Reduce the fine lines around the lips
  • Provide the fuller, youthful, pouty lips
  • Achieve the symmetry among facial features
  • Help to have the cupid shape of lips

This procedure is beneficial in terms of providing you the desired lips shape and size that will complement the other facial features and enhance your beauty. This will certainly boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.