Blog / What Are the Pros and Cons of a Body Lift?

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Body Lift?

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Body Lift?

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Everyone tries to present themselves in the best possible way. In order to acquire the best appearance, they try lots of strategies like exercise, balanced and nutritious diet, and bariatric surgery.

Everyone tries to present themselves in the best possible way. In order to acquire the best appearance, they try lots of strategies like exercise, balanced and nutritious diet, and bariatric surgery. However, we all are bound to experience the aging effects. Along with these affects, heredity, genetics, lifestyle and significant weight loss or gain can cause sagging skin, loose muscles and people lose their skin elasticity. Excess flabby skin makes people look older and overweight.  As a result they themselves hinder their various social and personal activities. Even vigorous exercise and diet regimes are not beneficial in any way that skin completely conforms to the body’s smaller shape after losing weight. 

Body contouring procedures will help get rid of this loose skin and excess fat. This will also benefit people by contouring the skin to fit the remaining muscles.  Its results will restore the youthful appearance, well-defined and well-balanced body proportions. Overall, body contouring procedures can elevate one’s appearance to its fullest potential. Being such a miraculous procedure, one must be completely aware of its pros and cons before undergoing the procedure.  

The upsides of the procedure are as following:

Improved Body Contours & Appearance

The most specific purpose of body contouring procedure is well-defined, toned, trimmer and firmer body parts. This certainly gives a smooth look and improves overall appearance. Body contouring can address the area that has stubborn fat and is more bothersome for you. After your weight loss journey, excess sagging skin that loses elasticity can make you feel bulky unnecessarily. Body contouring can help you eliminate those fat pockets, tighten your loose skin and realign your muscles which will give you a younger and thinner appearance desired by you. 

Reduced various skin conditions

Since excess skin folds are removed during the procedure, it eliminates various health issues. Extra skin folds can cause various skin infections, inflammation, rashes and pain as these skin folds continuously rub against each other. This can even add extra stress and force you to wear bad fitting clothes. After the procedure, you can easily get rid of these skin conditions and tension. You will also be able to wear clothes that suit and fit your new body. 

Enhanced physical comfort level 

When excess skin and stubborn fat is removed from your body, you will automatically feel lighter and better. You will realize the improved comfort with your own body. Doing different exercises and daily tasks will become easier because extra skin interferes with fluid circulation that makes the work twice as hard with minimal results. You will not only feel more energetic but also your stamina will be boosted. Thus your improved health and lower weight may further lead to reducing the need of certain medication that you are dependent upon. 

Minimal Scarring

A skilled surgeon will strategically plan the incision site where your scars are unnoticeable irrespective of the body contouring procedural technique he has chosen to perform on you. He will make it certain that your scars are well-hidden and less visible. 

Boosted self-confidence

Most people feel conscious and body-shame due to their excess weight and sagging skin. This further impacts their mental health. They even restrict themselves from many social activities. Also, they tend to avoid wearing certain clothes due to their saggy flabby skin and appearance. However, the result of the body lift procedure turns around this thought process. They feel confident with their appearance with which they are able to wear any kind of dress. This will also help to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks from the body areas. This improved appearance leads them to flaunt comfortably in the public. 

Body lift can target many areas of the body altogether 

Depending upon your expectations and body condition, your surgeon can combine different procedures to achieve the utmost results to improve your body appearance. He may suggest combining upper, mid or lower body lift procedures. This is specifically planned to achieve aesthetic balance of the body. Nearly every part of the body that is prone to develop sagging skin can be treated through this body lift procedure for example arms, chest, hips, abdomen, buttocks, and upper thighs. Therefore, it involves an individualized procedure that will be developed after evaluating various aspects like your health, age and goals. 

Safe and sound techniques

Medical advancements and modernization has improved the body lift techniques over years. A skilled and experienced surgeon while performing the procedure ensures lowering down all the potential risks with speedy recovery. He will certainly decide the most appropriate and safe technique for his patients. 

Long lasting results 

Body contouring procedure provides permanent results which are wonderful as well as superior to any other fat eliminating option. It also entails many other benefits that come with its dramatic results. 

Here are its considerable downsides:

Recovery period & potential risks: - 

If you have undergone an invasive body contouring procedure, your recovery time period is going to be quite long. You might need to take complete rest up to six weeks. You will need a full time care provider to do your daily tasks. You will experience pain, swelling, and discomfort due to incisions and sutures. Your surgeon will give a list of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow. Also, you might have to change your sleeping position for some time. 

There are some considerable possible risks and complications of both invasive and non-invasive body lift procedures that you must discuss with your surgeon during your consultation before the surgery.

Risks involved in surgical procedure are: -

  • Excess bleeding & blood clots
  • Anesthesia Risks: - severe headache, vomiting, nausea, trouble waking-up
  • Asymmetry: - both sides appearance is not same
  • Infection of incisions 
  • Pain or swelling that prevails longer
  • Damage to nerves, muscles, blood vessels or organs
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Scarring 
  • Skin irregularities and discoloration 
  • Unsatisfactory results that force you to take another surgery or revision surgery

Possible risks with non-surgical procedures are which are quite less comparatively: -

  • Rashes 
  • Pain 
  • Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Need for multiple treatment sessions
  • Unsatisfactory results that leads to more treatment sessions

Body contouring procedure is not at all your weight loss journey 

This procedure is effective to get rid of loose skin and stubborn fat pockets which are resistant to your exercise regimes and well-balanced diet. Instead of reducing your size, it will help you to get a more toned and defined body. If you are not close to your ideal weight, your surgeon will advise you to postpone the surgery and stabilize your weight first so that surgery can give you the optimal results. 

Body lift procedure does not promise life-long results

Nothing can stop the aging process. Thus you will have new sagging folds of skin and wrinkles as you age. Additionally, if you don’t put efforts to maintain your weight after the surgery or you gain significant weight, your results will disappear. The longevity of your results will typically depend upon the lifestyle you choose after the procedure. Therefore, there are chances that you might feel the need to have repeated or revision surgery after some years. 

An expensive procedure

The cost of the body lift procedure usually varies person to person as it is a customized procedure. The expense will depend upon the complexity of the procedure, technique and types of lifts that are essential as per your goals and expectations. You might need revision surgeries or multiple sessions to achieve and maintain your desired results, which is eventually pocket-draining. 

Not everyone is an ideal candidate

Your surgeon will decide your candidacy after evaluating your health and some other factors. A person cannot undergo the procedure: -

  • who smokes and consumes alcohol 
  • who has any chronic illness or any health concern 
  • who has the history of anesthesia reactions
  • who has blood clotting conditions

There is a specific criterion that your surgeon checks upon you before announcing you as a right candidate for the surgery.  You must be in good overall health and must have reached near to ideal weight. Also, you must have developed realistic expectations with your surgeon. 


Undoubtedly, a body lift procedure can bring immediate and noticeable results that will not only make you look younger but also feel better and confident provided you have chosen the surgeon with great care. It cannot be safe to trust any surgeon with the procedure. He must be well-qualified, well-experienced, skilled, and the one who can develop a good rapport with his patients. You can consult the best surgeons of the country by sending an email or a message on the website. We assure you that our surgeons are wholeheartedly devoted to their patients’ well-being. They will certainly develop a customized surgical plan which will provide the safe and the best results. Also, they will guide you in every possible way to achieve your realistic expectations.