Blog / How Chin Augmentation Enhances & Beautifies Facial Profile

How Chin Augmentation Enhances & Beautifies Facial Profile

How Chin Augmentation Enhances & Beautifies Facial Profile

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The attractive contour and defined angles of the face are perceived as the symbol of youthfulness, beauty and confidence.

The attractive contour and defined angles of the face are perceived as the symbol of youthfulness, beauty and confidence. Nowadays, people are extremely aware of their looks and don’t hesitate to take surgical help to get the best of their appearance. Many people are there who are bothered by his or her large chin, double chin or weak chin. An imbalanced chin with the rest of the facial features can make people look older than they really are. You may also have aging effects on the chin as your skin will lose the elasticity and become droopy and saggy. On the other hand, a well-defined, sharp and proportionate chin and jawline can bring unmatchable facial harmony and can make you look more active and youthful.

Chin Augmentation: Its specifications 

Chin augmentation, a cosmetic procedure can reshape the chin and enhance it as well in order to provide you the desired appearance easily and effectively. In this procedure, implants can be inserted and also chin bones can be molded. It can strengthen the chin; increase the chin’s vertical height and its width also. It can reduce the appearance of jowls and redefine your jawline. You can get rid of all the bothering concerns with chin augmentation procedures as it can bring harmony to the face.

Your surgeon will use the most appropriate technique of the procedure depending upon your condition, health and expectations. He will develop an individualized procedure for you. 


He may recommend you to use the implants. It can help to reshape, enlarge or push forward the appearance of the chin. In this surgical procedure, various implants can be used. These are made of silicone, polyethylene or a composite material. Different sizes like small, medium or large are available in the implants. You can choose its texture as well. Generally smooth textured implants are used. Implants are available in different shapes as well. Your surgeon can choose the best suitable for you from front enhancing, side extension and height increasing implant shapes. Then, he will perform a customized process with following steps :-

Step 1: You will be given general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make a small (1 to 1.5 inches) incision beneath the chin to create a space between chin bone and facial muscles. These incisions will be made in a precise way so that these can be hidden and leave no scars.

Step 2: The implants, then are carefully placed inside to fit with the patient’s existing facial features which will enhance the facial angles and will bring the desired results. Some implants are attached to the bone, while others are precisely fitted so that they will be firmly held in place by facial muscles and skin.

Step 3: Afterwards, incisions will be closed using sutures.

This procedure will take an hour to complete. It is a safe and reliable process. Generally, its results are for life-time. The most amazing part of the procedure is that, in case the patient is not satisfied with the result, then the implants can be removed easily and the person will get the original shape back in no time.

A related technique uses your own bone as the “implant.” In this so-called sliding genioplasty, part of the jawbone is cut and moved forward to erase a weak chin, or moved back to reduce the prominence of a projecting chin. The bone is locked into place with titanium screws.

Fat Transfer

Your surgeon may recommend you to have a fat grafting procedure in which fat is harvested into the chin by using the liposuction technique. The fat cells are extracted from the other parts of the body like thighs, flanks then it is filtered and then injected into the targeted area. 

Injectable fillers

The people, who want to undergo a less invasive procedure, can choose this procedure. There are several types of dermal fillers available. The process is quite simpler than others and has zero downtime. These fillers can last from several months to 2 years. 

Result & Recovery

After the surgery, you will be able to get back to your normal routine after a week. You may experience some swelling and bruising which will fade away within a day or two. You may have some temporary numbness of the chin. This will also get resolved in some time. After a few weeks you will recover completely. Your surgeon will certainly instruct you to follow some steps during your recovery period like

  • Laying or sitting in a position that your head is upright.
  • Specific dressing for the chin
  • Pain-killers and anti-inflammatory pills
  • Special soft diet
  • To wear easily removable clothes (button down tops)
  • Avoid all the strenuous activities
  • Not to consume alcohol and nicotine
  • Adherence to the follow-up appointments


Before undergoing the surgery, your surgeon will analyze your condition and guide you with all the mandatory actions. You must be above 18 when you plan for this. Your surgeon will advise you to undergo some medical and lab tests to check your physical condition. You must be mentally stable in order to handle the surgery trauma emotionally. Above all, your goals of the surgery must be as realistic as possible. 


There are various deciding factors of the cost of chin augmentation procedure. If you choose a surgical procedure then it ranges from 80,000 to 150,00 INR depending upon the surgeon, your profile, place, room fee and implant you chose. If you have chosen a less invasive process then this process ranges from 25,000 to 50,000 INR. Keep in mind that as it is a cosmetic procedure, it will not be covered by the insurances but you can ask your surgeon about payment plans and offers that they have.


This cosmetic procedure is specifically designed to achieve the desired chin appearance and it provides permanent results. You will be able to witness the amazing results once healed. You will certainly have more defined, more balanced and symmetrical facial features. You must choose the surgeon with great consideration who is board-certified to ensure that he has undergone rigorous training and also who has remarkable experience which means he has great aesthetic skills. You can easily get to such top surgeons through our website and rest assured that you are in safe hands.