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Debunking the Myths of Lip Augmentation through Fillers

Debunking the Myths of Lip Augmentation through Fillers

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Lip augmentation procedure has become unimaginably popular these days among not only women but among males also.

Lip augmentation procedure has become unimaginably popular these days among not only women but among males also. A skilled and experienced surgeon can use various techniques of achieving the desired lips shape like lip fillers, fat transfer, tissue grafting and lip implants. The people, who are bothered by extremely thin lips, asymmetrical lips, imbalanced facial features, gum visibility, and aging effects on the lips, can enjoy the benefits of the non-invasive or invasive lip procedures according to their need and surgeon’s recommendation. Unfortunately, with the popularity of this procedure, several myths and rumors about its effectiveness, cost, and safety are swirled. 

Here, in this article, let us try to debunk all the myths to help you to make the decision grounded on authentic information. 

Myth: - Lip fillers is a painful procedure

Fact: - Injecting dermal fillers is not at all painful as the needles that will be used are small and fine.  It would feel like a pinprick. Possibly, you can experience tenderness, mild stinging, and swelling. Moreover, your surgeon will give a local anesthesia that is going to make you comfortable during the process and even afterwards. He might apply a topical cream to numb the lips and surrounding area.  You must be prepared and understand the procedure so that you don’t get any surprises in the surgery room. Also, your surgeon will instruct you to

  • Apply ice before and after to reduce swelling and minimize the discomfort level.
  • Refrain from itching, picking and massaging the treated area
  • Avoid lip applicators like lipsticks
  • Drink lots of water
  • Postpone exercise routines for 48 hours
  • Prevention from alcohol 

Myth: - Lip fillers will cause sagging over time

Fact: - Your lips will never deflate and sag due to the procedure. The reason behind this is the substance that almost all the fillers consist of. It is Hyaluronic acid which naturally exists in our bodies and enhances collagen production. This eventually helps to protect your lips from sagging. Over the course of next six months to two years, when your body enzymes start dissolving the fillers then also the remaining particles actually help strengthen your lips and thicken the outermost layer of lips. Therefore, even after the treatment effects are over, you will be having perky lips without fine lines and wrinkles. 

Myth: - Lip fillers will give you puffy & large lips

Fact: - You can get ducky or puffy lips only when you want. A skilled and experienced surgeon can easily control the amount of filler to inject into the lips. It is a quick and customized process. He will give you one injection in one sitting then you can observe your results and get desired shape and volume through multiple sittings. You may have youthful lips in only one sitting or may need 2 or 3 sittings. 

Your surgeon’s skill and the spacing between sittings will be the crucial aspects of your results as injecting fillers too quickly and an inexperienced surgeon may give you ducky unwanted ducky lips. 

Myth: - Constant need of getting the lips refilled 

Fact: - You don’t need to refill your lips on a frequent basis. Actually, the timeline is completely dependent upon who has injected the filler, what kind of filler is used and your body’s synthesis of acid. Generally, the results will last for 6 to 8 months. Hyaluronic acid fillers can last as long as 18 months. However, when the filler dissolves and your lips begin to go back to their normal size then it is up to you if you want to top them up or not. 

Myth: - Fillers for only for people with thin lips

Fact: - Lip injections are not only for adding the volume to your lips but it serves other various purposes. For example people might choose this option to give definition to their undefined cupid’s bow, to correct the asymmetry and disproportionate to and bottom lips, turned down corners and also to improve the appearance of dry, cracked lips. 

Myth: - Anyone can administer lip fillers

Fact: - This is not just false but risky too as only a registered, qualified and experienced aesthetic professional should administer lip fillers. Your injector must have developed his skill for the technique and must ensure the hygiene and safety of the treatment. He must be able to clarify all your doubts during consultation so that you can go under his knife with confidence.

Myth: - All fillers can work 

Fact: - This can be dangerous for your lips. Products should be FDA approved. Moreover, products that are appropriate for the face may not be useful for lips. Only a skilled and experienced surgeon can guide you with the best one out of numerous lip enhancement options which will be safe and appropriate for you. It is just not one-size fits all products and procedures. It has to be customized according to your requirement and skin type. 

Myth: - Lip fillers for older people

Fact: - People chose this procedure for the treatment of wrinkles, fine lines and other aging effects. However, anyone after 20 years of age can go for it for different purposes like enhancing the features, correcting the lips shape, definition, volume and even to slow down the aging signs.

Myth: - Fillers will always look/feel unnatural

Fact: - It all depends upon the injector, the technique he used and the product he injected. A skilled and experienced surgeon will use a proper technique for the procedure so that you can achieve the most natural results. However, you might experience some stiffness and swelling at the initial stage for a maximum of 2 weeks but after that your results will be natural and you will have soft tender lips. It will not be possible for an average eye to notice that you have undergone any lip enhancement procedure. 

Myth: - Results are irreversible 

Fact: - In case you are not satisfied with the results of the lip fillers then you don’t need to wait until it naturally dissolves. Instead, you can consult a skilled surgeon who can inject a reversal agent. It is an eraser enzyme named Hyaluronidase which will dissolve the filler immediately. Then you can get rid of unwanted results easily. 

Myth: - Lip injections causes scars & cold sores

Fact: - Fortunately, there is no such evidence that proves people got any scar or cold sore due to lip injections. An experienced surgeon will use pre-sealed sterilized injections. If any patient has a medical history of cold sores, your surgeon will prescribe some antiviral injections that can reduce the risk of outbreak. 

Myth: - Lip fillers are expensive

Fact: - Of course, the cost will vary from person to person depending on their needs and desires. Second most important aspect is the skill and experience of the surgeon. You may get in touch the cheapest but at your own risk. Moreover, it is not too expensive to afford. Instead of going for the cheapest surgeon, you can always ask an experienced surgeon for payment options and discounts so that you can be assured of expert hands. 

Myth: - You neither require a consultation nor post-care

Fact: - You may encounter a provider who schedules an injection sitting without giving you consultation. However, you must not ignore the significance of a discussion where you and your surgeon will clear some aspects as following:- 

  • Realistic goals of the procedure
  • Customized treatment plan
  • Frequency of total sittings 
  • Suitable type of filler 
  • Avoiding potential side-effects
  • Recovery do’s and don’ts

There are fair chances that you experience swelling or bruising. In order to avoid these potential risks. You must attend all follow-up meetings and follow the surgeon’s instructions related to applying an ice-pack, diet, work, social activities, sun-exposure, and exercise.


We hope after reading this article, all your doubts related to lip enhancement procedure will vanish. Also, you have a clear picture of all the baseless rumors that are swirling around. For further queries, you can contact our surgeons who are best in the country through sending an email or whatsapp message.